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still photographs中文是什么意思

用"still photographs"造句"still photographs"怎么读"still photographs" in a sentence


  • 单张巨照


  • This is a family snapshot , a still photograph
  • The web site carried a still photograph apparently from the video which showed bin laden seemingly aged compared to available pictures
  • Thanks to the offspring of lai man - wai , a great number of valuable still photographs are available for us to see in the movie
  • Ds : we wanted to avoid making a typical historical doc - the kind that features talking head academics and long moves across still photographs
    我们刻意避免将此片做成那种典型的历史题材影片? ?即由那些教授在前面长篇大论,然后镜头在一张张照片上移来移去的表现形式。
  • Conseuqently , lai lost four hundred thousands dollars . thanks to the offspring of lai man - wai , a great number of valuable still photographs are available for us to see in the movie
  • Jpeg algorithm , as tile encoding standards for still photographs , has adopted the dct transform and z scanning . so jpeg can and should be the theoretical basis of ccst gtaphic character system
  • They have shown that even a still photograph can convey a lot of information about competence ? and that it can do so in a way which suggests the assessments of all those senior managers were poppycock
用"still photographs"造句  
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